Chirag Bakshi

Founder and CEO

Chirag is a veteran of the mobile industry. Before founding Zumigo, he was Vice President and General Manager of the VeriSign Mobile Messaging business. He had joined VeriSign via acquisition of Unimobile, where he was Founder and COO. At Verisign, he built a world-class scalable and robust wireless platform to drive significant revenue for mobile operators and enterprises. His previous experience includes General Manager at EFI where he established a successful Network Graphics Server Business Unit; director at Apple responsible for the LaserWriter line of products; and engineering director at Rolm Corp developing distributed PBX switch software.

Chirag served on the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) Board and Wireless Internet Caucus (WIC) Leadership Council. He earned his bachelor of technology degree from IIT Bombay, and master of science degrees from Stanford and the University of Michigan. He holds several patents in software and mobile technologies.